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Early Barnes Ranger

Why do people seek out these early Rangers?

Here's a model 97 that recently had a service and "spruce up"

We shrouded the original 22 barrel and floated same.

This one had an original Barnes Synapse Trigger block.

This was some walnut my Grandfather cut. He's been gone since the 1960's. This was cut and stored in an old shed about 30 years before that. I found it when I was about 19 and salvaged the wood. It was used in several early Barnes projects.

Rock Maple relief carved Butt plate.

I remember many people fussing about the high price of Barnes PCP's early on. And, the three month wait put off alot of people too!

What people are realizing now, is that these early Rangers were "give away" priced for the amount of work invested and the quality. Believe it or not, I still hear that from quite a few regarding my current work. Especially those who have ever tried to actually build something from raw materials.

If you've never actually seen a Barnes PCP in person, that's part of what Standing Stone is all about. I make myself and my work available for this great weekend Festival each year. And, the rifles are shooting ... not just laying on a table. Hope you can join us.