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Theater Eight

25 Magnum Movie


Had a great session with the Prototype 25 Magnum I've been testing for a couple of months. Hope you enjoy.

I'd like to remind you that what you are watching here is a totally handmade pcp rifle. Atop same, is a hand rifled prototype barrel (made by Barnes). Projectiles are Barnes designed, cutters were made by Barnes to produce casting molds and the lead slugs were then cast in those molds. After this, Barnes sizing dies were manufactured to specifically size the slugs to the bore. Barnes Pneumatic produces an unbroken chain of events from the design idea through the 10X.

I realize you won't be able to see the overlaid titles - First is "Barnes 25 Magnum Prototype - Range Testing Custom Projectiles". Next will be "Approx. 95 foot pounds". Then the "50 yard group" title will appear. Eventually - these clips will be incorporated in a VHS tape. The titles are for future format as well.

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